Summer Writing Camps 2025

We’ll explore writing in various genres and from different perspectives according to the interests of the youth participating each week.

As weather permits, we will take walks to explore our neighborhood and look for inspiration while practicing our observational skills.

All participants will have their writing published in our annual summer anthology, receive a FREE personal copy of the anthology, and will be invited to share their work with the community at our end-of-the-summer publication release party – RAWK Reads.

this application includes medical care consent and media releases that must be completed by a parent or guardian

RAWK Summer Camp Schedule

All Summer Camps will take place Monday–Friday from 1–5pm daily at the RAWK Literacy Center, located at 802 S. Westnedge Ave in the Vine Neighborhood

June 23th–27th
Youth Leadership Camp for High School aged youth
(click here to learn more and to apply)

July 7th–11th
Summer Writing Camp for rising 6th, 7th, & 8th

July 14th–18th
Summer Writing Camp for rising 4th & 5th grade

July 21nd–25th
Summer Writing Camp for rising 6th, 7th, & 8th grade

July 29th–August 2nd
Summer Writing Camp for rising 4th & 5th grade

RAWK Reads


At this annual celebration we’ll release the 2025 Summer Anthologies and our freshly published authors will be invited to read and celebrate their work with the community.

There will be food, games, music, and entertainment. Bring the whole family and invite your friends!

Since 2021, RAWK Reads has come home to the Vine neighborhood and we’ll be celebrating right in our own “backyard”! Stay tuned for more details.